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Philipp Vergés, LMT, BCTMB

Board-certified massage therapist Professional member, Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals Membership Perks Provider


Treatments by appointment only in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Contact me for appointments.

Brooklyn: 603 Bergen St. Bay Ridge: 6923 Ridge Blvd.

I accept credit card payments.

Office policies:

- A missed appointment is a loss to us both. Please provide 24 hours' notice if a cancellation is necessary. Otherwise you will be asked to honor payment.

- Payment is ideally dealt with at the beginning of the appointment. This way, you don't have to come out of the blissed-out and relaxed state right after the treatment, but it's completely up to you.

- Please be on time in order to get the most from your visit. Appointments begin and end at the scheduled times. Sessions begun late due to a late arrival will end at the scheduled time.

- First time clients are asked to arrive 15 min. prior to the scheduled appointment time to allow for a detailed intake.

Please note:
Massage Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu® and CFT specifically exclude diagnosis, prescription, manipulation or adjustments of the human skeletal structure.

Phil Verges, LMT, NCTMB

Personal philosophy:
By being actively involved in your well-being, you can ensure it will last. Be empowered and pro-active, as opposed to waiting for something to go wrong. If you find you have recurring aches and pains, seeking relief for them now will pay off manyfold later on.
Many people still tend to take better care of their cars than themselves - that should change!

Philipp Vergés is a Massage Therapist, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, and Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) practitioner who graduated from New York's prestigious Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in April 2005. He is licensed in New York State, nationally board-certified (BCTMB), and a professional member of the ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals).

Phil practices both in Brooklyn, and Manhattan, treating clients from all different walks of life.

He is dedicated to crafting the best personal treatment plan for you, using his varied knowledge and experience, which will help restore the unity of body, mind, and spirit, increase your quality of life, and allow you to feel integrated once again.

A former professional ballet dancer, Phil has performed widely in NYC, all across the US, Canada, South America, and in his native Switzerland. Being a performer has taught him first-hand the great power of the mind/body connection. While still dancing, he first sought help for a stomach issue that several doctors could not help him resolve, and found relief with Jin Shin Jyutsu®. From that experience his interest in the field grew, leading him to pursue it as a career.

He continues his education and currently studies Alexander Technique, which plays a big part in his approach to bodywork, as well as the quality of his touch, and practices yoga.

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